FTP Upload

Clipping Path Design(CPD) has own dedicated FTP server with high bandwidth. For huge file transfer in a regular basis, we prefer you to upload/download files by our FTP server. If you familiar with FTP transfer, please request for a FTP space, we will provide you the FTP login details immediately. Until that you can upload your files to our given bellow FTP is a public folder anyone can access.

Host: ftp.clippingpathdesign.com

Name: guest@clippingpathdesign.com

Password: cpdguest

After upload your files, please send us an email with your details instruction. We will reply you with a possible turnaround to send back the completed files. The completed files will be uploaded in the same guest ftp for a short time.

You can also use bellow our bellow  up loader to send us your files which is private and more secure.

The FTP Up loader is in development process…coming soon……..


How to use FileZila to upload/download files to FTP servers.